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Susan Christopher

I love Zumba with Rachel. I first started Zumba at the request of my cousin who felt I needed to get out and get active as I was constantly at home taking care of my father who had Alzheimers. My cousin an I would got to the park in Saint Hubert (Cité du Soleil) where Rachel was having Zumba classes. I would take my dad with me as this too was good for him in the condition he was in. I loved the classes so much I went up to Rachel one day after an outdoor session and asked if she would be giving classes in the fall and that I would like my father to participate as well. She was so excited. She said of course "Come on down". In the fall my father 89 at the time and I took Rachel's Zumba classes. My dad enjoyed the classes so much and so did I. The routines were easy but very cool and the music is amazing. My dad loved it so much I actually had a Zumba party for his 90th birthday which he enjoyed immensely. I would definitely recommend all of you out there to come on out and enjoy one of Rachel's Zumba classes.

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