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Christina Zelick-Noiseux lost over 50 pounds!

Ou commence, depuis que je fais du Zumba j'ai maigrie, plus d'estime de soi, plus de bougotte et des amies(is). Deja 1 ans et je suis maintenant capable de marche sans mon ambulateur! Si ce n'etait pas pour mon mari, ma chum Patrishia et Rachel et Marty, je serait dans une depression severe. Moi je fait du Zumba assise sur une chaise voila. Where to start, my journey started with my husband and best friend Patrishia, taking me to Zumba. Since I use a walker I was not too pleased. But for Rachel and Marty I would be in a deep depression.They showed me that I had value and to love myself again, because of all the weight gain my mobility was diminished quite a bit. Rachel said sit in a chair and move with the music, pretty soon I was hooked. Since that time I have lost over 50 pds and almost 10 inches from my waist which to me is amazing. Eating better, moving around more and my Zumba class. Without Rachel and Marty encouraging me as well as my better half and my best friend. By the way I do Zumba sitting in a chair people. WOW Love ya Rachel and Marty.


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